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Patient Data Network

New datasets lead to new discoveries.

Our network allows you to break down data silos, combine powerful datasets, and identify new predictive signals. Tap into our data lake of normalized patient biometric, social and survey data correlated with multiple clinical domains and disease states.

Window with street reflections and the word DATA printed on the window

The gold standard for research.

Data can be the ultimate limiting factor in your research if it’s not treated carefully and precisely. By leveraging global health data standards, ontologies and classifications (aligned with the OHDSI data model), our data quality allows you to accelerate your research or clinical trial. Gain confidence knowing your data foundation is sound.


Data is foundational to everything.

Train Better AI

Supercharge your training with entirely new datasets to unlock predictive models based on standardized, high-fidelity data.

Volume, Velocity, Variety

Focus on achieving your broader strategic objectives, while Persona focuses on big data’s “3 V’s” to support your data integrity.

Save Time

Learn from an already available pool of data without designing, implementing and running a months-long RPM trial program of your own.

Security & Privacy

Leverage modern security architectures and approaches including deidentification of patient records.

Only pay for what you use.

Optimize your organization’s technology spend. Rather than paying per query, per record, or per transaction, our subscription-based model means you only pay for the exact number of patients whose data you’re acquiring. No more. No less.